1 Motocustom
20221023_164508 20221026_114023 20221026_114030 20221026_114037
20221026_114054 IMG-20210117-WA0006 IMG-20210117-WA0007 IMG-20210117-WA0004
ducati skull (5) DSC_0610 DSC_0613 ducati skull (2)
ducati skull (3) special (2) S&S Special 2 special
S&S Special 3 S&S  special new work   in progress... 1 new work   in progress...2
h-d s&s 2 skull 1 skull 5 skull 12
skull 14 softail  silver leaf tribal 3 softail  silver leaf tribal (2) softail  silver leaf tribal (1)
softail  silver leaf tribal h-d s&s 0 devil bruno3 005 devil bruno3 006
devil bruno3 007 devil bruno3 008 devil bruno3 009 devil bruno3 010
burn out 2010 burn out 2010 002 best of show 2010 verona 2011 01
verona 2011 011 verona 2011 02 verona 2011 con Pfeil 007 skull race point II 005
skull race point II 012 FXR 2 004 2 006
2 007 2 008 455188[1] il trio
io & Fabri Favre premiazione best of show premiazione 1° posto airbrush 455305[1]
filter hd skull flame 2 filter hd skull-flame 4 2° posto bobber burn out 2009 455312[1]
h-d s&s 01 h-d s&s 02 h-d s&s 1 h-d s&s 3
h-d s&s + pin up 1-2 004 + pin up 1-2 005 + pin up 1-2 007
Buell X1  02 Buell X1  03 Buell X1  04 Buell x1
gold tank r.point 003 gold tank r.point 004 gold tank r.point 006 miglio verona
wild star 116 wild star 121 joker wild star jack joker
boris karloff frankenstein001 buell bz 004 buell bz 005 buell bz 006
buell bz 007 CIMG3453 CIMG3454 CIMG3455
CIMG3456 CIMG3465 CIMG3466 CIMG3468
CIMG3469 CIMG3470 Collegamento a P1010096[1] Collegamento a P1010098[2]
pin up2 001 pin up2 002 pin up2 003 pin up2 004
neg 001 verniciature 020 mia 001 mia coop 002
hd ernesto hd ernesto2 drag star max eolfgang springer 2
fat boy tribal fat tribal filter hd  skull-real flame 1 filter hd skull-flame
filter hd skull-flame3 FXR 91 FXR HD gold tank r.point 002
mummie mummie neg 003 paraf finito 081
paraf finito 083 paraf serp-filo spinato serb hd blu kandy serb teschi profil
shadow gialla skull real flame sporty stand BZ
tank bruno 008 tank bruno007 tank scallops 002 teschi 1
teschi 2 teschi vt 2 teschi vt 3 teschi vt
teschi tribal skull verniciature 016 verona 09 011
verona 09 018 verona 09 019 verona 2011 001 verona 2011 004
verona 2011 III 007 vw roland 1 vw roland 2 vw roland 3
vw roland 4 vw roland 5 vw roland 6 vw roland tuning 2 0010
vw roland tuning 2 0020 vw roland tuning 2 0030 vw roland tuning 2 0040 vw tuning 002
vw tuning 003 vw tuning 004 wolfgang hd springer 001 wolfgang hd springer 002
wolfgang springer 1 wolfgang springer 3 yamaha 1600 joker 001 yamaha 1600 joker 002
yamaha 1600 joker 003 yamaha 1600 joker 004 yamaha 1600 joker 005 yamaha 1600 joker 006
yamaha 1600 joker 007 2 001 blu flame+tesc 001 alex&alex
1 003 work in progress cobra-faccione 004
h d mummia 002 gold tank 079 dinghi DSC_0371